Common Questions About Our Facility

Please review the information below to prepare for your stay at Highlands Behavioral Health System. You will find additional information outlined in the unit handbook we will provide to you at admission. If you have any further questions or concerns, please call us at 720-348-2800.

When you arrive, an intake clinician will meet with you to complete the admission process and orient you to the hospital. Intake staff will search your personal effects. Unit staff will conduct a thorough search of your clothing and pockets as a safety precaution. You will then be brought onto the unit to begin treatment.

You will meet with a doctor the day of admission if it is before noon. If you arrive after noon, you may not see a psychiatrist until the next morning.

Average treatment is five to seven days to provide you with enough treatment to return home safely and to develop the tools to prevent future hospitalizations. The 72-hour hold may be extended as a short-term certification if you are deemed unsafe to return home after 72 hours and are unwilling to sign in voluntarily.

Smoking is not allowed at the facility.

This number will be provided to you at the time of admission to protect your privacy. Any family member or loved one who wants to call or visit must provide this number. Our staff can neither confirm nor deny your patient status to any individual who cannot provide your patient ID number.

Phone calls from family and friends are encouraged. The main telephone number is 720-348-2800.  Callers must have the patient’s ID number. Calls will be routed to the appropriate unit staff, who will take a message if the patient is busy with programming. They will receive the written message and can return calls during unit-specified phone times.

We restrict cell phone use to create a quiet environment and protect patient confidentiality.

Please reference the Visitation page for details. 

Please reference the Visitation page for details. 


Get Help Today

We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide a no-cost mental health assessment for you or your loved one. Call us at 720-348-2800, visit our facility, message us, or schedule a free assessment to get started.

In the case of a medical emergency or crisis, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.